Rita Shi

I am Rita Shi. My final IB score was 34. I was admitted to Pratt

Chris Chen

Words of a parent Recently, I went to my kid’s school, and the Principal Cheryl

Welcome to Early Years Open Day

You are welcome to attend

Early Years – Open Day

The Open Day for IBPYP “Early Years” 活动时间:1月13日 9:30-11:30 9:30 – 11:30 am on Jan.13th 活动地点:宁波华茂国际学校 Ningbo Huamao International School 报名要求:此次活动针对2-4周岁的宝贝 Child age: 2-4 years old(全程需家长陪同,陪同家长不超过3人) 活动费用:免费 Free 报名方式:可电话预约报名88211377/88211160 体验日具体流程–学生流程 The Schedule  for the Open Day–Children’s schedule

Thomas Chan

My name is Thomas Chan, a graduate from Ningbo Huamao International School of the 2014

UN Day

Video from our UN Day


Video from our Carnival

Spring gala

Video from our Spring gala